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Chinese translation for "wisdom with which to understand people"


Related Translations:
wisdom:  n.1.智慧,聪明,才智。2.〔古语〕学问,知识,学识。3.〔罕用语〕格言,名言。4.〔集合词〕贤哲。5.〔W-〕 = Wisdom of Solomon. Much thinking yields wisdom. 多想出智慧。短语和例子pour forth wisdom 说出一连串聪明话。 the wit and wisdom of the place 当地的能人贤士。
nutritional wisdom:  选食本能
practical wisdom:  常识。
local wisdom:  在地智慧
career wisdom:  职业人生
robert wisdom:  罗伯特・威斯顿维斯顿
wisdom literature:  智慧文学
poetic wisdom:  诗性智慧
wisdom seed:  智慧种子
wisdom ribbon:  电极下滑带
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